Privacy Policy  

Data Protection - RGPD

1. Commitment RVR Contabilidade & Consultoria Ltda

RVR Contabilidade & Consultoria Ltda . (hereinafter RVR Contabilidade), in the context of its actions, processes personal data, intending to rigorously, effectively and safely ensure the protection of all the data it collects and processes on a daily basis.

Please read this Privacy Policy which describes how we treat your personal data and how you can exercise your rights as a holder of personal data processed by RVR Contabilidade.

2. The data controller and data protection officer

Within the scope of its activities and responsibilities, RVR Contabilidade is the entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data, which is processed and stored in an automated and non-automated way.

RVR Contabilidade has a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted via email .

The Data Protection Officer is responsible, in particular, for monitoring the compliance of activities involving the processing of your data with applicable legal and regulatory standards, and is also the point of contact between RVR Contabilidade and the National Control Authority, as well as between RVR Contabilidade and its clients and users in matters relating to the processing of personal data.

3. Personal Data, personal data subjects and categories of personal data

What are personal data?

Personal data is all information of any nature, collected in any type of medium, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Identifiable is the set of information that can lead to the identification of a specific person, namely by reference to an identifier (such as an identification number or location data).

Who do we collect personal data from?

In view of the actions of RVR Contabilidade, the majority of data from legal entities (companies) are processed. However, to carry out its duties, data may be collected and processed from the following types of natural persons (non-exhaustive list):

• Clients/investors and their employees;

• Service providers and their employees;

• Job or internship candidates;

• Candidates and clients of programs promoted by RVR Contabilidade;

• Participants in events promoted by RVR Contabilidade;

• Visitors to the RVR Contabilidade facilities.

What personal data do we process and how do we collect it?

RVR Contabilidade only collects data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed.

Your data can be collected orally, in writing (notably through forms and contracts), as well as via the RVR Contabilidade website. As a general rule, we collect your data directly, and personal data may also be collected through public sources (such as websites and official public lists), as well as incentive management entities.

To carry out the different purposes, we may collect the following types of personal data: • identification data (such as name, place of birth, identity card or date of birth);

• contact details (such as cell phone, address or email);

• qualification and professional status data (such as education level and CV);

• banking, financial and transaction details (such as IBAN or tax identification number);

• location data (such as IP address);

• images from recording events or video conferences;

• images collected through video surveillance systems.

As a rule, RVR Contabilidade does not collect special data, such as health data or data relating to infractions or criminal offenses.

4. Grounds and Purposes of Personal Data Processing

Why and on what basis do we use your personal data?

All data collected and processed by RVR Contabilidade is based on one of the following legitimacy conditions:

Consent : When collection is preceded by your express, specific and informed consent, through written media or via the web.

We collect your consent, for example, for purposes related to registering for a job, subscribing to newsletters or registering for actions promoted by RVR Contabilidade.

Execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures : when processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party or for pre-contractual measures. This condition will be fulfilled when we process your data for the purposes of managing financing and cooperation programs and protocols or supply and service contracts.

Compliance with legal obligations : when processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

This includes, for example, the communication of data with other public bodies (national and community), tax or judicial.

Legitimate interest : when processing is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of the entity responsible for the processing or third parties, without harming the rights and freedoms of its clients and/or users.

This includes all treatments that result from powers conferred by law, namely the internal and external disclosure of Portuguese entities, nationally and internationally.

What are the purposes for which we collect your data?

Personal data collected by RVR Contabilidade is only processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes. Whenever personal data is collected, it is intended exclusively for the purposes expressly identified when collected. Here we list the main purposes that justify the collection of personal data by RVR Contabilidade.

• Management of events promoted by RVR Contabilidade;

• Contracting of supply and service provision contracts;

• Dissemination of newsletters / publications;

• Physical Security of Facilities and People;

. Human Resources Management;

5. Personal data retention period
RVR Contabilidade processes and retains your data only for the period necessary to achieve or conclude the processing purposes for which they are intended, respecting the maximum deadlines necessary to comply with contractual, legal or regulatory obligations. As a general rule, and when there is a contract that legitimizes the processing of your data, RVR Contabilidade will maintain such data as long as such contractual relationship is maintained. Other circumstances exist, such as compliance with legal or regulatory obligations (for example, for the purpose of complying with tax obligations, personal data relating to billing must be kept for a maximum period of ten years from the date of the act), as well as the pending legal proceedings, which may legitimize your data being kept for a longer period of time.

After the conservation period ends, RVR Contabilidade will delete the aforementioned data.

6. Rights of data subjects

Under current legislation, from the moment we collect and process your data, there is a set of rights that, at any time, you can exercise with RVR Contabilidade.

What are your rights?

Right of access : right that allows you to obtain information regarding the processing of your data and its characteristics (namely the type of data, the purpose of the processing, to whom your data may be communicated, retention periods and what data you have to provide mandatory or optional).

Right to rectification : right that allows you to request the rectification of your data, requiring it to be accurate and current, for example, when you consider it to be incomplete or out of date.

Right to erasure of data or "Right to be forgotten" : right that allows you to request the deletion of your data, when you consider that there are no valid grounds for the retention of data and as long as there is no other valid basis that legitimizes such processing (such as the execution of a contract or the fulfillment of a legal or regulatory obligation).

Right to Limitation : right that allows you to suspend processing or limit processing to certain categories of data or purposes.

Right to Portability : right through which you can request the sending of your data, in a digital and commonly used format, which allows the reuse of such data. Alternatively, you can request the transmission of your data to another entity that becomes responsible for processing your data.

Right to Oppose : right that allows you to oppose certain purposes and as long as there are no legitimate interests that prevail over your interests. One example of this right concerns opposition to direct commercialization (marketing) purposes.

Right to Withdraw Consent : right that allows you to withdraw your consent, but which can only be exercised when your consent is the only condition of legitimacy.

How can you exercise your rights?

All rights described above may be exercised, with the limitations provided for in applicable legislation, upon written request, to be sent via email to .

Likewise, you can forward questions related to the processing of your data directly to the Data Protection Officer, via the email indicated in item 2. You can also lodge any complaint with the National Control Authority.

7. Data transmission

Who do we share your personal data with?

In compliance with the actions of RVR Contabilidade, and depending on the respective purpose, your data may be shared with third parties, which include national and international public bodies and private entities for the purposes of fulfilling legal or regulatory, contractual obligations or functions of interest public.

Your data may also be accessed by RVR Contabilidade service providers, considered necessary for the execution of the purposes described above, especially with regard to information security and archival services. RVR Contabilidade guarantees that it only uses service providers that provide guarantees of carrying out necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.

Transfers of personal data outside the EEA

RVR Contabilidade may, exceptionally, transfer your personal data to third countries (outside the EEA - European Economic Area).

In these cases, RVR Contabilidade will ensure that data transfers occur in strict compliance with applicable legal regulations.

8. Cookies Policy

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files with relevant information that are downloaded by your access device (computer, cell phone/smartphone or tablet), through the internet browser (browser), when a website is visited by the user, being used to store information about user visits.

Cookies , depending on how long the user stays on the page, can be classified as session or permanent cookies . The first type of cookies expires when the user closes the browser. The second type of cookies expire when their purpose has been completed or when they are manually turned off.

The cookies used by RVR Contabilidade on the website do not collect personal information that allows the user to be identified.

The cookies used on the website are:

• Analytics - collect information about users' browsing experience on the web page, anonymously, although sometimes they also allow a user to be identified, uniquely and unambiguously to obtain information about the user's interests in the services provided by the web page.

• Advertising - active persistently but for a limited period, with the aim of collecting user information about internet browsing habits so that the advertising viewed by that user corresponds to their needs and interests.

• Third parties - allow the website to remember browsing preferences, language, region and collect information from users to target advertising to their interests.

The website uses cookies to collect statistical information, in order to analyze the functioning of the website and users' browsing experience, and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and promotional campaigns.

Disable the use of cookies

All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser . Therefore, users can disable the use of cookies on the website at any time by modifying their browser settings .

However, it is important to highlight that deactivating cookies may prevent some web services from functioning correctly, totally or partially affecting browsing.

9. Legislation

The processing of personal data of users and customers carried out by RVR Contabilidade, as well as the sending of commercial communications carried out by electronic means, are in accordance with current national and community legislation, namely the General Data Protection Regulation.

Last updated: September 29, 2024